If I have to write my own version of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, I would definitely add
Shopping in as an imperative habit. Would probably be even in my
top 1 top 3. And I don't need any study to prove it, heck I would just draw from my very own personal experience.
You see, whenever I go shopping (or about to go shopping), I always feel very productive at work because a) I know I need to pay for my shopping and; b) I get really excited to parade my new treasures to my teammates.
Even the time leading to shopping seem to make me work faster than normal so I could rush to the mall after.
Take this peplum sheath dress, which I got for 75% off at Neiman's Last Call last weekend. I knew it would be counter productive if I didn't buy it right away because I'll just be constantly thinking about it all day. So being the
effective person that I am, I spared myself the agony and closed the transaction in 3 easy strokes - click, cart, checkout!
Convinced yet? Can someone please sign me up for a book deal already!??
-- Marc New York peplum sheath dress -- Romeo + Juliet Couture pink lace top -- Ferragamo Ribes --
Now excuse me as I write the Preface to my future book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Shopaholic's Edition).